2023 in review

In 2023, the DSouzas were busy making memories and are a little behind on updating our family and friends of the happenings. Spring update from Lauren The season had many firsts: Allie knitting a winter hat for her dada, making snow cones, making a snow fort with the big dump of snow that arrived, baking…

2022 in review

When we reflect on 2022, the word that sums the year up would be “calm.” By calm, I do not mean that the year did not have challenges common to each of us. Instead, it was unlike 2020 and 2021. In the year 2020, COVID-19 took the world hostage. The year 2021 proved to be…

Entrust to Faithful Men

There are several types of churches that you can encounter. I categorize these churches on a spectrum based on one factor – a Statement of Faith. On the far right of this spectrum is the type of church who have a Statement of Faith published. From center to the far right of this spectrum, you…

2021 in review

Happy New Year! We want to thank each one of you who supported us through 2021 through your prayers, care, financial partnerships, and conversations. Honestly the years 2020 and 2021 are just one big year in our minds and it is hard to separate them. We tried to look back at the year 2021 and…

The Second Quarter of 2021

We thank God for keeping our family safe through the second quarter of the year even as our nation was grappling though a very bad second wave of COVID-19. Friends and family were ill. Many of the WhatsApp groups we are in would have updates of lives lost on a daily basis. It became emotionally…

The First Quarter of 2021

The first quarter of the year has been a busy one for the DSouza household. Mia turned 5! We thank God for her. Eddie’s family came over to celebrate Mia’s birthday. Mia had multiple celebrations with various groups of friends. She made up for not having an event last year. School life School life has…