
I am a critic. Critic of the first order and that automatically also puts me as a perfectionist. I cannot tolerate things that go wrong. I am the first person to notice an error and point it out. Now the other day we were watching a movie and I couldn’t help but notice the fact…

The Proverbs 31 test

Whenever I read Proverbs 31, I wonder if there can be any woman who could truly pass the Proverbs 31 test. I always thought this is an ideal condition, probably where we are to reach but never thought that it was achievable. Today I read a blog on Motherhood where John Piper cites his mother,…


Fear can be crippling and often we don’t know how deep rooted our fears are until we try to face it. I had once such fear – fear of driving a vehicle. It was so deep rooted that I dint even want to sit in the drivers seat. It took lots of patience form Edi…