green wooden door beside white wall

A strange feeling

A strong person is probably rarely afraid of anyone. His stregnth gives him courage in the face of adversity. I have not been a strong person. In a weak moment, God showered his mercy in my life. Since then he has always been gracious to me. His kindness has taken me in the direction of…

The wait just got longer

Yesterday I posted about how nine months ago we rekindled the desire to go to seminary and study. This morning I learned that the scholarship that we were praying for has no funds for the upcoming year. The seminary has made an appeal for funds so that they can make their decision. Usually, they make…

The last nine months

The last nine months have been long and eventful. Early September 2019 a conversation with the missus sparked an old desire. A desire to study. To devote a season to studying and to being discipled so that we would be able to better serve God. This spark led to two conversations with pastor friends who…

Where it begins

I want to be able to write. But I usually do not know what to write about. I kept researching about what one needs to do to overcome the difficulty of not being able to write. Invariable whatever or whomever I read provided only one solution. Write regularly! I just do not understand how can…

Organizing Lego

Legos are just fun for kids. And adults have made such massive lego projects that are mind blowing. But here’s every parent’s nightmare – cleaning up after play time. And sometimes, just sometimes a stray lego might just get under your foot and ouch! We had another minor struggle with our 4 year old using…