The tryst with mass

I have a weight issue! The fight against gluttony is a battle I’m losing at the moment. I haven’t given up. I’m going to head to the gym tomorrow yet again. I hate to lose this battle again and again. I’ve got to discipline myself. This is affecting every other area of life. Not good!

Murdering the glutton

I have been a glutton for many years. It was never a problem. I grew up thinking that life is about eating and making merry. If something tasted good, then I would eat till, till I could eat no more. This usually would leave me feeling sick, unable to breathe or bend. I would struggle…

What Monday’s look like

Monday is my day off. I enjoy sleeping in late. But, I cannot sleep in as much as I wish to as it is Monday for the rest of the family! Usually, I can enjoy my Monday only after I have shipped off Allie to school. So, I do my little to help Lauren get…

Allie’s third school event

Allie is in UKG. It is her third school annual day so far. She loves this event. She practices hard. She is a perfectionist and does not forgive herself. I wish she would blow the steam and just enjoy the event. But nope… she must do it well. Anyway, she looks gorgeous in her outfit.…

Discipline is hard work

I used to have some sense of discipline when I was younger. As I got older and my areas of responsibility increased, I began to get sloppy. It’s strange. One might think that a person who had some sense of discipline increasingly grew indisciplined. Now, I am trying to work on getting disciplined again. And my…

Gyms are not for wimps

I’ve joined a gym. Again! I’ve been working out in various gyms on and off for over a decade. I shed a few kilos each time. I begin to slack. I stop going to the gym. I gain much more than I lost… and I’m back in a rut. But, like each time I hope…

I witnessed a road accident

It’s New Year’s Day. I was on my way to the church hall. Currently the church I am part of meets near Paduvarahalli junction, Jayalakshmipuram. I was traveling in from Metropole side to Paduvarahalli junction where I take a U-turn towards the hall. This post describes an accident I witnessed there around 9:45 AM this…