Allegra’s big announcement!
And I am so happy I have composed and sung this song! I hope you like it. I am going to share my toys with my new brother or sister.
DetailsAnd I am so happy I have composed and sung this song! I hope you like it. I am going to share my toys with my new brother or sister.
DetailsOnly a Christian takes part in communion! Sunday after Sunday, our 4.5 year old daughter observes her parents and other older people take part in communion. One day she could not hold the curiosity any longer and asked – Mama, why can I not have the elements of the communion – The bread and…
DetailsI have sinned, what next? Most Christian’s face this question sometime in their life – ” I have sinned, what next?”. What should I do to get back on track? What should I do to appease God? Should I read my Bible more? Should I pray more? Or is it that I sinned (even better…
DetailsIs a Christian guarded from pain and suffering? It is wrongly believed among some of the Christian circles that a Christian is guarded from pain and suffering. This however is not true. The Bible teaches us otherwise. The Bible teaches us that a Christian might suffer in this world but his hope lies in his God…
DetailsThe Imitation game I love movies that use the mind. Recently I realized that I love movies that contain a lot of emotion in them. Movies like The Judge, Piku which are slow. So as I searched for more movies to watch on the same lines, I chanced upon the movie – THE IMITATION GAME.…
DetailsEcclesiastes – Meaningless meaningless everything is meaningless! In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon the great king talks about how everything is meaningless. He talks about the pleasures of the world – riches, fame, women, fruit of the vine and calls them all worthless and meaningless. From the Bible we know that Solomon, the King, had many wives…
DetailsWhat is that I believe in? I believe in a God, who created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. I believe that God created human beings as male and female. I believe that God created Adam from the dust and Eve from the side of Adam. I…
DetailsI wonder how people blog on a daily basis! When I took up the 30 day challenge to write, little did I know what I was putting myself into! I thought I had a lot of things to blog about and by disciplining myself to blog probably I could put down my thoughts! It’s just…