Challenge Day 14

Gentle and quite spirit, the Bible in 1 Peter 3:3-4 talks about the beauty that comes from the hidden person of the heart with a imperishable beauty of a gentle and a quite spirit. As I read this I pray that God will grant me a gentle and a quite spirit. I long for that…


Challenge Day 13

This morning I was reading the book of proverbs and this is what I learnt. Proverbs 18:2 – A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. I was pondering on this and I realized that many a times we get into arguments, fights because one or both the party involved…


Challenge Day 12: Ps 119

I have never seen Ps 119 like this ever before. I have always read the Psalms. I mean read not related with it except for times when I am in distress. This time as I read the Psalm 119, it was different. A good different. Earlier this year we learnt to pray using Piper’s IOUS…


Challenge Day 10

I am trying to catch up with my challenge. Slacked a bit in the last few days. I hope to dig up topics to write! Day 10 Things that I would like to do before I turn 40 Train for a 3k run Be able to do at least 5 pushups and 5 pull ups…
