On Your 10th Anniversary!

This is a poem I wrote for a dear family friend of ours. We have known them for about 13 years now. It is indeed a joyous occasion for us to celebrate their 10th anniversary! Covid-19 has changed the way we celebrate our near and dear ones. If it would not have been for this…


One step closer!

Some days ago I wrote about the wait getting longer. And earlier this week, I was uncertain of what might happen. Thanks be to God we are one step closer to going to seminary. In September last year we were moved to consider going to seminary for getting trained and equipped further for the pastoral…

green wooden door beside white wall

A strange feeling

A strong person is probably rarely afraid of anyone. His stregnth gives him courage in the face of adversity. I have not been a strong person. In a weak moment, God showered his mercy in my life. Since then he has always been gracious to me. His kindness has taken me in the direction of…


Mandala: Therapeutic Activity

I accidentally discovered mandalas. A video popped up in my YouTube feed. I was intrigued and watched a few minutes and discovered potential here. I found an opportunity to show this video to my girls. We worked on a few mandalas. And they have loved it since. Mandalas are patterns that are drawn in concentric…


Making memories for life

We are all in the business of making memories for life. Whether we like, realize or are intentional about it, we are making memories.We are imprinting pictures in our minds and the minds of the people we are constantly interacting with. We spend so much time interacting because we are social beings. As a matter…
