Basic Dairy-Free Bread
Freshly baked bread sliced and served makes an excellent breakfast option!
DetailsFreshly baked bread sliced and served makes an excellent breakfast option!
DetailsWe have been in lockdown since March 25th, 2020. And now we are talking about unlock 1.0, unlock 2.0 and unlock 3.0. Most church members are waiting for the resumption of their church services. Not everybody is equally eager though. Some people are fearful. Others are displaying no fear. At the surface it may appear…
DetailsOur country has been in lockdown since March 25th, 2020. We have now begun the process of unlocking the country. In Lockdown 5.0, there is talk of Unlock 1.0, Unlock 2.0, and Unlock 3.0. The good news for churches is that we may be able to resume church services soon. While this is bringing cheer…
DetailsHere’s an idea by Dr. Suess. And nature has implemented half the idea. The world is waiting for the other half of this gastronomic idea.
DetailsOver the years many seminary trained people have told me that seminary education is overrated. They suggested that I can teach myself through good reading. At first I agreed with them. After all who would know better I or they? Obviously they would know better because they have acutally been to seminary. I spent some…
DetailsI have been a pastor for over a dozen years now. By some estimates it is nothing. By some estimates it has been a challenge. Many pastors claim that seminary did not prepare them for what they got into. I have had no preparation. I got saved by the grace of God. Period. What was…
DetailsWhile this recipe is simple, the extra work involved gives you fabulous results. These fries are a hit with the kids. They take hours to prepare and minutes to devour.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought church services to a grinding halt in our nation. In a dozen years, I do not recollect missing a Sunday service except for a very few times – the birth of my child, a flu. But this has changed since March 15th, 2020. That was the last Sunday service where…
DetailsI have applied to Bethlehem College and Seminary for the MDiv program. I hope to be accepted and matriculate in the fall of 2021. Please do pray for the process and provision. More updates will follow.
This is our every week pizza recipe. Simple no fuss. It is easy to prepare and tastes great.