Seasons of Life

Seasons of life? What is that, one may wonder! Let me try and explain. As each of us go through life, we see that there are different stages. I would like to call these stages the seasons of life; season of being newly wed, season of pregnancy, season of being a new mother, season of…


Why I chose to Paint?

Up until 2018, I did not pursue any hobbies. I was brought up in a city, life was fast paced and I did not give much thought about hobbies. In 2017, someone spoke about hobbies and how it helps de-stress. That is when my journey of searching for and a desire to pursue a hobby…


Looking back at 2018

Every year, we make new plans – some plans stick and the others don’t. Last year, 2018, I made a few plans – To grow with the church in the knowledge of the Bible. The book of Galatians, Judges, Ecclesiastes are some that we would look at in depth. I am more than excited to…


New Year New Goals

Taking a glance at the calendar made me realize that yet another year has passed by. There are more strands of grey, stories to tell, memories created, risks taken, battles fought: some lost and some won. An account of the past year showed me that God has been good, as always. As the new year…


Day 1: Back at the gym

I did the ‘Get in shape 1’ workout today. Yaay! Managed more then I expected. The last workout was ab crunches. I nailed the first two sets with 15 reps each and a 30 sec break. During the second rep if the third set I got a nasty muscle catch on my lower abdomen. Had…


The tryst with mass

I have a weight issue! The fight against gluttony is a battle I’m losing at the moment. I haven’t given up. I’m going to head to the gym tomorrow yet again. I hate to lose this battle again and again. I’ve got to discipline myself. This is affecting every other area of life. Not good!
