I am overwhelmed by God’s kindness this week. Through unexpected ways and beyond my expectation, God has worked. Last week I was not sure if I will be accepted for admission to the M.Div. program.
This week I learned that I am approved for admission on the condition that I complete the pre-requisite Greek classes. While I was grateful to God for the opportunity, I was looking to God for the money to pay for the first of two courses. I am thankful to God that he provided for it.
We are another step closer to getting trained and equipped for the pastoral ministry. I have spoken about why I want to go to seminary before.

Keep praying with us for God to lead us as we are not going to be able to go anywhere or do anything without his help. We are not self sufficient. We are not self reliant. We get to have the joy of being able to thank God for his leading.
My admission largely depends on a special scholarship. The scholarship fund is not currently sufficient. There is a need. And the seminary has made an appeal to contribute towards that fund. Would you pray with us that God richly supplies the needs of this fund. If you are willing to support us, you could consider contributing to the scholarship fund either with a one time donation or a recurring donation.
Pray with us for the following
- God’s aid in helping me learn Greek – for life.
- For the scholarship fund to be filled up.
- For God’s provision for the second semester Greek fees.
- For visas.
- For other formalities.
- Travel.
There may be many other things that we need to consider along the way – that we are uncertain of at this point of time. But we trust that God will help us through it all. For now, we are praying through one step at a time and for the big picture.