The ones who appreciate all the buses that come their way and never hop on any (The Clueless)
- The ones who hop on all not knowing their limitations (The Aimless)
- The ones who know where they want to go and hop on to those buses (The Strong-Willed)
The first two categories are the people who are ultimately lost in this bus ride of life as one never hops on any saying – I can’t handle this, it’s too difficult for me or simply I have no idea where I want to go and the other hops on everything aimless therefore becoming a Jack of all trades and the master of none.
The third category of people are the ones who take right choices and make it to where they want to be.
There are times in life where we hop on the wrong bus, get off before it’s too late. e.g.. We might be on the wrong bus of work which is frustrating us.
Some bus rides require hard work and perseverance like the bus of marriage, the baby bus. There is no way out. Once on this bus we need to persevere through it.
As life keeps throwing at us different buses may we make good choices, knowing our limitations and hop on the right bus and get off the wrong buses as quickly as possible. Life is short, let’s make wise choices.