As a part of a new church plant with young people I find myself, though not old in the world’s terms, older than most people. I find myself in a place where I rarely get to meet/interact/share lives with older people, esp older women. I always dreamed of a time where I could share lives with women older and more experienced with life than I and so that I can learn from them. I believe that life is too short for a person to make all mistakes and learn from them. Having older and more experienced people helps deal with life better as there are people to guide, to learn from , to follow etc., Though there are both up and down sides to this, I always look at the up side of having Godly women investing in my life.
Life is not always like how we want it to be. God, in His wisdom, chose otherwise for me and put me in a place where I am today. But God does not leave us alone.
As a part of the new year’s resolution, if I may use that term here, I started to read and follow blogs. As I started off, I dint know what was in store for me but I wanted to be faithful to the what I had resolved to do. 21 days into the year and I am already seeing God being generous in leading me to material written by other women that are a great source of encouragement to me. I may not be able to see these people but as I read I am greatly encouraged. The net is a great source of those older, wiser, Godly women who have invested timed in writing their experiences that has greatly helped me. I am not alone. God dint leave me with nothing. He has blessed me with so much of material that now I am greatly content to have such material. It almost feels like having older women from whom I can learn.
Does this mean that the blogs supersede actual people? Certainly not. When I do have a person I can learn from, I will. Till then, I will thank God for the amazing resources that he has provided me with.