What does this community look like?
I am talking about a community whose center is Christ and who are brought together not because of their similarities but because of Christ. In this community there are people passionate to serve Christ. As a result they serve one another the way the Bible requires of them. In short I am talking about a church community where the members are covenanted to the church to love, serve each other in turn serve Christ their master.
The main aim of the community is Christ exaltation at all times. Let me try and explain what this looks like in the light of bringing up/ raising children. In such a community, the people realize that they are here to build each other up and not tear one another. So, that would mean parents are not envious of other parents or children. They do not point out the mistakes in a manner that is destructive because of their envy or jealousy but are trying to deal with errors in love in the light of scripture. What this would mean is that, when in such a community, a person finds a child erring he/she corrects the child understanding that the child needs to be taught and corrected because the Bible calls for it and in love. This is so that the folly that is there in the heart of the child is exposed and the word of God and God’s standard is instilled in the child. This is in the best interest of the child.
I am not talking about anyone spanking a child. I am not talking about harsh words. I am talking about teaching them the word of God and its standards in a platform of sin. Letting them know sternly, yet lovingly that sin is sin and we need to run away from it. The path of sin is a path of destruction.
I am also looking at this community being accountable to the parent of the child about the sin of the child and the correction/ teaching administered. Now why would I include this? God has given each parent child/children to look after to bring up in the ways of the Lord. In order for the parent to do their job faithfully they need to know about the sin so that they can deal with it too as parents, as and when required. I have seen this personally – the older person sometimes corrects the child or calls out an empty threat – ” I will tell your mama”, the child generally heeds to the – ” I will tell your mama” threat and apologizes or moves away from whatever was wrong. Now when the parent is at an ear shot and comes to see what has happened, the adult says – “it was just nothing”! Serious you pulled the ” I will tell your mama card” just for nothing?!
What I am trying to get at here is – community people have a responsibility to inform the parent about the child’s behavior and not brush it under the carpet. Such an act is saying its ok to overlook sin or its such a small sin! Sin is Sin! There is nothing like a big sin, small sin, mediocre sin etc! Each of the sinful act from a child is a training ground for something big -their state of sin, pointing them to the cross and the need for salvation.
Yes, I am for raising my child in such a godly community where the child’s best interest in the light of scripture is thought of. Where the child is brought up in godly ways and where the child is taught the importance of following God’s standard. Let the children know that we are serious about serving such a God! Let them see and follow!