Every year, we make new plans – some plans stick and the others don’t. Last year, 2018, I made a few plans –
- To grow with the church in the knowledge of the Bible. The book of Galatians, Judges, Ecclesiastes are some that we would look at in depth. I am more than excited to learn these books and grow with the church.
- To learn the art of pencil shading.
- To resume blogging.
Looking back, I realize that I successfully worked on point 1 alone. Point 2 and 3 remained plans and nothing else.
I also realize that I made other plans along the way and did stick with them. 2018 , has been a year of discipline. I worked on :
- Strict sleep and wake up times. Training the body isn’t easy but I stuck on and it is highly rewarding.
- Reading through a chapter of The Book of Proverbs almost every single from July and studying on what it has to say on Wisdom.
- Reading books- Christian and others
- Taking on a hobby. I wanted to take up pencil shading, but ended up learning watercolour painting. Setting aside time every Saturday for the last 6 months and painting with a friend have helped keep this hobby alive!
- Working out as a part of taking care of my body. Thanks to Fitness Blender, working out has become an integral part of my everyday routine, that too, at my convenience and in my home.
Overall, the year 2018 has been rewarding. Grueling in terms of pushing myself every day to do things that I would generally not do but the outcome is more than satisfactory.
I’m never too old to start something new, here’s proof!

Looking forward to set new goals and learn things in 2019.