
This is a poem I wrote for a dear family friend of ours. We have known them for about 13 years now. It is indeed a joyous occasion for us to celebrate their 10th anniversary!

Covid-19 has changed the way we celebrate our near and dear ones.

If it would not have been for this pandemic, we would all have gone to their place and had a blast. We would have had big party for sure! Remembering all the things God has done in and through them these past 10 years, we would have given God the glory!

Thanks to the pandemic we could not plan any such thing.

Words are dear to me and I have seen it make a lasting impression.

Allie, my oldest, has been learning about poetry and how to write poetry. Inspired by this, I decided to pen down my thoughts in the form of a poem!

On your 10th Wedding Anniversary

To Justin and Priyanka
10 years ago this day,
You'll exchanged vows,
That was meant to stay,
Through lives joys and sorrows.

With God as witness, 
You vowed to love
Each other through sickness
And health, whatever come!

The Lord has been faithful,
In your life as He enabled,
You both to walk through life's turmoil,
Safely in His arms cradled.

I have seen you walk, 
Through waters rough, 
As the health of your flock
Plummeted, and your heart screamed,"Enough!"

But God strengthened you,
He renewed your heart,
He saw your through,
As He has from the very start!

He will be your shield,
He will be your guide,
As you continue to yield
To Him and walk by His side.

The first 10 has been a rich display,
Of God's faithfulness and tender care,
As the raven blacks turn to silver grey,
May He add many more, this I pray!