In the summer of 2024, I attended a bible study in which we studied the Psalms. We were encouraged to write our own Psalms as a way of praying our own prayers back to God. For this exercise, I chose to write a Psalm of Praise, imagining what would it be like if I were to help a little child give God the glory due his name. This Psalm is inspired by nature and by Lewis’s Meditation in a Toolshed.

Follow the Sunbeam Back to the Sun
Praise the LORD,
Praise the LORD, o my soul,
Praise the LORD, my children,
For the LORD is a creator and a sustainer,
Come let’s look at our garden,
And ‘Follow the Sunbeam Back to the Sun’,
Do you see the bright red flowers?
Do you see the fresh zucchini and the scarlet beans?
We only sow and water,
We only wait and watch,
It is God who gives the growth,
It is our God, the LORD, who causes growth,
Praise be to Him,
Praise be to Him.
Do you hear the chirping birds?
Do you hear their merry tune?
The LORD, our God made each one,
And put a tune in everyone,
Each bird sings her song,
Her special song every day,
Unto the LORD the Bible says,
Unto the LORD who made her ways,
And you my dear,
When you hear,
That merry song when you hear,
Remember it is our LORD who made,
And put in her that merry tune,
Our God, the LORD,
It is He who made her,
It is He who put in her a merry tune,
Praise be to Him,
Praise be to Him.
Do you see your lovely face?
Do you see the contours, the color, and all features in place,
The LORD, our God, made you in His image,
An image bearer for His sake,
To declare the glory due His name,
His works, His love, and all He has done,
So, take this opportunity my dear,
To ‘Follow the Sunbeam back to the Sun’,
In every flower, fruit, or frolic song,
Linger longer to ascribe,
Ascribe glory, beauty, and majesty
To our Lord,
For He who created you and me,
Also created the fruit and the song,
So let us slow down,
Let us attribute praise to Him and say,
Praise the Lord,
Praise the Lord!