The fourth quarter of 2020

We were in Mangalore with Eddie’s parents as the quarter began. The kids were having a great time playing. Their schooling was minimal as they did not have much energy to concentrate while much play invited them. Eddie had to keep up with his Greek learning. In those early weeks, it took a lot from…

Allie’s first book

Allie likes to write. This time she wrote a Christmas story for Mia. She did a good job with it. Lauren decided to work on some illustrations to go with the story. Eddie decided to publish the book. Do have a look at the book if you would like to. Amazon India Amazon US

Roof fix nearly done

It took us 2.5 days to clean up and apply the primer coat and the two top coats of the damp proof layer on the roof. I am thankful for the 3 days of sunshine we had that enabled us to do this phase of the work. It appears that there will be rain today…

Gotta fix that roof

So our apartment building was constucted over 3 decades ago. And the builders had stopped construction midway hoping to continue the project a few years later. That never happened. This left the roof uncompleted terrace open to the elements. The elements did not take too kindly to the incomplete structure. There are leaks and water…