Gotta fix that roof

So our apartment building was constucted over 3 decades ago. And the builders had stopped construction midway hoping to continue the project a few years later. That never happened. This left the roof uncompleted terrace open to the elements. The elements did not take too kindly to the incomplete structure. There are leaks and water…

September 2020 in review

August ended on a high note! Edi began studying Greek as a pre-requisite to seminary admission. God provided all the needed money for tuition and material for the whole year – $1615! We praised God for the provision. Edi begin his classes on the 24th. September began with a concern. One of the medications that…

August 2020 in review

The month of August has been positively memorable. Perhaps in the year 2020 when there has only been bad news around the world, for the DSouza household the month brought some good news. Edi got approved for admission at Bethlehem College and Seminary. We are waiting to hear from the Seminary about the scholarship.

A student formally – again

One must learn throughout one’s life. To be a student formally is what people do to get a job or to land a better job. I am going to be a student formally to do my current job better. No greater pay, no greater position. Hopefully I will be more productive at the job I…

Thankful for provision

I am overwhelmed by God’s kindness this week. Through unexpected ways and beyond my expectation, God has worked. Last week I was not sure if I will be accepted for admission to the M.Div. program. This week I learned that I am approved for admission on the condition that I complete the pre-requisite Greek classes.…

One step closer!

Some days ago I wrote about the wait getting longer. And earlier this week, I was uncertain of what might happen. Thanks be to God we are one step closer to going to seminary. In September last year we were moved to consider going to seminary for getting trained and equipped further for the pastoral…

A strange feeling

A strong person is probably rarely afraid of anyone. His stregnth gives him courage in the face of adversity. I have not been a strong person. In a weak moment, God showered his mercy in my life. Since then he has always been gracious to me. His kindness has taken me in the direction of…

Mandala: Therapeutic Activity

I accidentally discovered mandalas. A video popped up in my YouTube feed. I was intrigued and watched a few minutes and discovered potential here. I found an opportunity to show this video to my girls. We worked on a few mandalas. And they have loved it since. Mandalas are patterns that are drawn in concentric…