Challenge Day 5

What a beautiful day! I had my first girl friends time out with some besties. What fun! Every now and then it is good to stop by and thank God for His faithfulness in keeping us and His grace in giving us friends, friends whose common denominator is Christ. Parenting wise today it has been…


Challenge Day 4

When tantrums come by temper rises and all goes down the drain. A moment of teaching gets converted into a war zone where tearing down not building up happens. Day 4 has been a challenge indeed. My sinful heart exposed. An article that I came across said this – There is no bad student. There…


Challenge Day 2&3

What happens to your writing challenge when it is a weekend? – Goes for a toss! So here I am to update Challenge of Day 2 and 3. Day 2: Saturday, Edi was at home so it was easy! Late brunch with movie and food followed by late lunch and Pizza for dinner. All the…


Bumper off

I have always been scared of the road, driving and anything related to speed and treacherous bike/car maneuvering on the road. Reason: I had seen so many accidents and did not want to be there. I did not want to drive because I did not want to be caught up in an accident. I had…


Challenge Day1

I love to write. Somehow I feel I can portray thoughts better while I am writing than while I am speaking. I have taken up this challenge of writing for two reasons. One, to be able to write in a planned manner everyday. This will help me improve my skills and increase my typing speed.…


Visit to Mahabalipuram 2015

We ended up in Mahabalipuram accidentally on a beach trip. Providentially it was an interesting place. The beach was rough and unsafe. But Allie loved the horse ride a lot there. We shopped for shells, stone necklaces, mirror with shells. It was fun bargaining. But my favorite was the sculpture work of the Pallava dynasty…
