My vote counts; so does Yours!

Background Last year when the church introduced its membership, I was thrilled. I had never been a part of a church where I was an active member. Yes, I was a member according to the records; but I had no clue on what I was part of. What the church believed in, what I was…

Children are a gift from God

Children love gifts. My daughter Allegra cherishes them. She looks forward to birthdays and grandparents visit because gifts are certain. As grandparents walk in she looks in anticipation at their hand and asks them ” Grandma, what did you get for me?” she is certain that she is going to receive something. When she has…

The Gospel bridge

Imagine with me high security manual lock. It is made in such a way that only one single key fits the lock. The key that was designed for that lock is the only one that can unlock it.Trying to open the lock using different keys does two things as I see Frustrate the person trying…

When sharp disagreements come by

Disagreements, according to the dictionary is – “lack of consensus or approval”. A lack of approval may seem to come when people seem to see things differently due to many elements like upbringing, situations faced in life, previous experiences , a different information/ more information etc., Disagreeing with a person is not wrong, but our attitude and how we…