Let them grow up

Autonomy When my baby was born I wanted her to grow up and be independent. Unlike regular mothers who did the baby talk with their children, I spoke normally like I would speak to an adult. I talked to her as I changed her diaper, washed her, burped her, bathed her etc., her bright little…

After glow or After life

A few months back I attended a meeting where the speaker was talking about ‘Afterglow’. He went on to say that after a person has finished his walk on earth, the works that he has done influences a lot of people. The books that he writes, the articles that are published, the sermons that are…

Blogs- A source of encouragement

As a part of a new church plant with young people I find myself, though not old in the world’s terms, older than most people. I find myself in a place where I rarely get to meet/interact/share lives with older people, esp older women. I always dreamed of a time where I could share lives…

Right from Wrong

Every once in a while we make choices that might not be in the best interest of our children and then we wonder what we should do in order to make things right (in case there is a need for one)? I am about to narrate one such incident and how it turned out to…